What if catching the bus became the new hundred meters?
She runs. 800 meters is the final, the day when everything finally makes sense. After a lifetime of training and sacrifice, it all comes down to these two minutes. Halfway through, she asks herself why she runs. She doesn't want to run anymore, and neither her coach nor the commentator understand her. With offbeat humor, Olympique examines the link between the world of sport and everyday trials, raising the question of our irrepressible desire always to perform.
Concept, direction
and choreography: Lambert Riquier
Dancers: Guillaume Cardineau,
Dorian Didier, Adèle Diridollu
and Amélie Gratias
Commentator: Karine Guibert
4 p.m. Before the show, enjoy a Slam performance by Maquis?Arts de la Poésie on the theme of "(Se)dépasser"
Ages 6 and up
Prix Min (en €)
Prix Max (en €)
Adult pricetarif jeune public : 8 €
Adult priceJeune de 13 à 26 ans, étudiant ( tarif jeune public : 7 €)
Reduced adult priceenfant - 13 ans, RSA, CMU, demandeur d'emploi - 25 ans (tarif jeune public : 4.5
PassportTarif Passport vie étudiante UPJV, billets solidaires